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Article Article May 23rd, 2018

Envisioning the Future of Government

Partnering for Learning

We put our vision for government into practice through learning partner projects that align with our values and help reimagine government so that it works for everyone.

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The Centre for Public Impact and the Royal College of Art Service Design hosted a half-day workshop where we invited participants to envision the Future of Government.

Around the world citizens’ trust in government is falling. People are increasingly asking what government is for and how it should evolve to reflect their changing needs. Meanwhile, rapid technological developments are making even the most advanced governments look flat-footed as people connect, exchange ideas and form new communities in radically different ways.

The event brought together a small group of people from a range of backgrounds, using the design thinking expertise of the Royal College of Art. During the workshop, we facilitated small group discussions around some questions that will play a key role in the future of government. These included:

  • Government’s role in society

  • Government’s relationship with citizens

  • Public servants’ ability to drive change

  • The way government defines and measures success

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