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Reimagining Government Community of Practice

Want to connect with others who are reimagining government?

Are you part of the movement to reimagine government?

There is a growing movement of government changemakers around the world, who are pushing for a new vision to reimagine government so that it works better for everyone. 

Our Reimagining Government Community of Practice (CoP) is an online space for those interested in or working on reimagining government to connect, support each other, and learn together.

Connect with others

The CoP is a space for members to:

  • Deep dive into all things reimagining government

  • Connect with others

  • Attend exclusive events and workshops

Created in 2021, the community has grown to over 800 members from all over the world who are working on reimagining government. We welcome anyone who has an interest in the topic to join our community on Slack today or sign up to attend one of our free online events.

Join the community today

Upcoming events

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There are currently no upcoming events.

Past events

How can collective healing pave the way for systems change?

In this 90-minute webinar co-hosted by the Centre for Public Impact ANZ and Collective Change Lab, we learn about the work of John and Laura and explore how we can understand the presence of trauma in systems and convene collective healing to unlock deep and enduring, transformational change within systems.

Watch now

Storytelling in design and policymaking

How can changemakers and policymakers ethically use storytelling in their work? What are the principles of good storytelling? How can we ensure stories are listened to and understood?

In this conversation with Emily MacLoud and Beth Hyland from Portable, we cover the ups and downs of storytelling. We hear about the tools and approaches that help us do this work well, and discuss the challenges and pitfalls which need to be considered when using storytelling to support our work.

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Tools, frameworks, and methods for learning partnerships

Hear from CPI team members from across the globe as they share the resources they find most effective and valuable in their work to reimagine government.

Presenters include:

  • Alli Edwards, Senior Program Manager from Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand, on evocative images as a method for surfacing oblique reflection and learning.

  • Naja Nelson, Senior Associate from our Global Development Initiative, on the Lankelly Chase Systems Behaviours Framework for reflecting on the health of a system.

  • Saumya Shruti, Senior Associate from our Global Development Initiative, on decolonisation as a key principle and lens for learning partnerships.

Read this blog to learn more.

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Ridiculous at first futures: From probability to possibility

Ridiculous at first futures guides you on a journey out of the safe harbour of what seems probable as we explore futures that seem preposterous… at first.

On July 17th 2024, the Centre for Public Impact Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand and our special guest, Amanda Reeves, hosted this 90-minute, experiential online session. We welcomed participants to the world of futures thinking, supported them in leaning into social imagination, expanded the range of futures they can entertain, and spotted pockets of these futures emerging today.

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