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Article Article April 6th, 2018

Welcome to CPI's Public Impact Lab

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Struggling with an impact challenge in your government organisation? @CPI_Foundation's Public Impact Lab can help...

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What links virtual reality with different people, different experiences and a robust impact methodology? A @CPI_Foundation Public Impact Lab

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Find out more about @CPI_Foundation's Public Impact Lab - it's one of the ways we can help you achieve a positive impact

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Partnering for Learning

We put our vision for government into practice through learning partner projects that align with our values and help reimagine government so that it works for everyone.

Partner with us

Do you have a policy, initiative or programme that is struggling to achieve impact?

CPI's Public Impact Lab can help you tackle an impact challenge you are facing. A Public Impact Lab is a one or two-day session that focuses on an impact challenge, bringing together different perspectives on the problem and using virtual reality to help participants see how to predict impact. At the heart of our Lab are our Public Impact Fundamentals, which we use to assess why the policy is falling short and think about how to invent approaches for greater impact.

A Public Impact Lab has five stages:

1. Diagnose

Using our Public Impact Fundamentals framework, we run a group diagnosis of an existing policy, programme or initiative to understand why impact is not being achieved.

2. Target

We use innovative tools to help you prioritise in order to target drivers for greater impact.

3. Invent

We inspire and facilitate the creation of new strategies to address weaknesses of the policy, using best practices from our Observatory of over 300 case studies, and leanings from our citizen conversations around the world from our #FindingLegitimacy project.

4. Strengthen

Focusing on those strategies, we ensure they are robust to real-world factors and possibilities. We also aim to bring the voices of external stakeholders and citizens to the room to ensure approaches are both robust and co-owned.

5. Plan

Finally, we plan out the implementation of those innovative strategies to ensure theory translates into real-world effect.

The Public Impact Lab journey will enable the creation of innovative strategies to solving the challenge at hand, producing real public impact. The Lab can work with any stage of a government project and with any public sector organisation which faces challenges around achieving impact. Labs can also be tailored to client requirements regarding length and content. 

If you would like to learn more, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Katie Rose.

Downloadable materials

Self-Assessment Tool

Fundamentals Nonagon

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