Statement on the Killing of George Floyd and Systemic Racism, Oppression, and Injustice Towards Black Communities
Partnering for Learning
We put our vision for government into practice through learning partner projects that align with our values and help reimagine government so that it works for everyone.
The Centre for Public Impact grieves for George Floyd, his loved ones, and his community. We mourn the loss of the countless victims of racial violence in our country. We stand with those Americans decrying the systemic racism, oppression, and injustice that led to yet another Black life lost. We believe Black lives matter and we join the chorus of voices saying “Enough.”
As we mourn, we are also resolved to listen, learn, and contribute to desperately needed change. This tragedy is not an isolated incident, it is the culmination of generations of injustice. We recognize that systems and institutions, in America and across the globe, have not worked equally for Black people and believe change is long overdue. We pledge to take a hard look at the ways supremacy and privilege impact our own global organization and to work actively to do better. This week, CPI began conversations among staff and leadership about how we can do more as an organization and will bring the Board into the discussion next week. We promise to maintain this commitment in the months and years to come, to share publicly the steps we are taking, and to actively hold ourselves accountable.
Across America, people are shouting for justice and equity. The Centre for Public Impact stands in solidarity and urges our leaders and institutions to listen to these voices, learn from past and present wrongs, and work to dismantle systems of racism, oppression, and injustice. We, as an organization, will stand for what is right for our Black employees and their families, the African American communities that we value, and for all those seeking change.