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Article Article September 12th, 2017

Getting the Fundamentals right: How CPI helps governments

Partnering for Learning

We put our vision for government into practice through learning partner projects that align with our values and help reimagine government so that it works for everyone.

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At the Centre for Public Impact, we believe that the touchstone for any government should be the results it achieves for its citizens. That's why we developed the Public Impact Fundamentals, a systematic attempt to understand what makes a successful policy outcome and describe what can be done to maximise the chances of achieving public impact.

Our framework, based on analysis of  more than 300 case studies from our Public Impact Observatory, outlines three things that are fundamental to improved public impact: Legitimacy, Policy and Action. Legitimacy - the underlying support for a policy and the attempts to achieve it; Policy - the design quality of policies intended to achieve impact; and Action - translation of policies into real-world effect. Within each Fundamental are three elements which collectively contribute to performance and lead to improved public impact.

Our approach to achieving public impact is further detailed in the Public Impact Fundamentals report (also available in SpanishPortuguese and French). And our related self-assessment tool enables policymakers to evaluate their performance against each of the nine elements and to identify stronger factors, as well as areas for improvement.

Having developed the framework, we want to help governments embed the Fundamentals into policymaking to help improve the public impact of policies and ultimately obtain better outcomes for citizens.

We offer governments five main types of engagement

Public Impact Introductions

Here we introduce participants to CPI's approach to achieving public impact through the Fundamentals. We outline the theory behind the Fundamentals, using case studies from our Observatory to illustrate theoretical points, as well as show policymakers how the Fundamentals rubric can be used to diagnose and address areas of improvement within policies. Our Impact Introduction also introduces the Public Impact Gap; a tool enabling governments to compare themselves with other relevant comparison countries on public impact and identify areas of improvement.

Audience: Policymakers

Number of participants: 10-100

Format: 100-minute session

Public Impact Policy Assessments

Our Policy Assessment offers policymakers an evaluation of the public impact of one or two policies. After introducing the Fundamentals approach to achieving public impact, and examining case studies which illustrate our theory, our assessments focus on helping policymakers identify priority areas of weakness and strength within a policy/policies, through the use of our Self-Assessment Tool. Our assessment services also include the outlining of concrete actions that could be taken to address challenges identified in the assessment, to ultimately improve public impact for the policy/policies.

Audience: Policymakers

Number of participants: 10-20

Format: Half day workshop focused on one or two policies, pre-selected by the government department

Public Impact Portfolio Assessments

Our Portfolio Assessment offers policymakers an evaluation of a portfolio of policies with regards to public impact. After introducing the Fundamentals approach to achieving public impact and examining case studies which illustrate our theory, our assessments focus on enabling policymakers to identify priority areas of weakness and strength within a portfolio of policies, through the use of our Self-Assessment Tool. Our assessment services also include the outlining of concrete actions that could be taken to address challenges identified in the assessment, to ultimately improve public impact for the portfolio.

Audience: Policymakers

Number of participants: 10-20

Format: One or two day workshop focused on a portfolio of initiatives, pre-selected by the government department

Public Impact Labs  

A Public Impact Lab focuses on one policy, selected by the government department, and aims to inspire, diagnose and address public impact opportunities. It goes beyond our Public Impact Policy Assessment service to offer a *wow* experience for participants. We gather together a diverse group of stakeholders; all of whom who influence over the public impact of the policy. We use the latest technology to transport participants to the world of the policy to inspire impactful thinking and enable experimentation with ideas that drive stronger public impact and better outcomes for citizens. The Lab leverages our Self-assessment Tool to enable participants to diagnose areas for action and culminate in the creation of an Impact Action Plan which will give participants a concrete plan of how to improve the public impact of the policy.

Audience: Diverse group of stakeholders from different dimensions of the policy's world

Number of participants: 10-20

Format: One day intensive Lab focused on one pre-selected policy initiative

Long Term Engagements

With Long Term Engagements we offer governments two services: Fundamentals Implementation or a Lab, Learn, Repeat, both of which help policymakers embed the Fundamentals into their day-to-day activities. Our Fundamentals Implementation helps practitioners analyse policies and consult on actions to be taken to improve public impact. Our Lab, Learn, Repeat offers policymakers multiple Public Impact Labs (see above for details) for the single selected policy and to continue to diagnose and address areas for improvement with regards to public impact over time. Both types of longer term engagement can be tailored to the needs of the government of interest.

Audience: Policymakers

Number of participants: Tailored

Format: Tailored engagement over several months

To enquire about any of the above engagements that we offer, please contact As CPI's mission is to help governments embed the Fundamentals into policymaking, we are also very open to other types of engagement based on need. Please do get in touch to discuss working with us on a more tailored basis if more appropriate.

Written by:

Katie Rose
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