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Article Article December 18th, 2018
Technology • Legitimacy • Innovation • Delivery • Artificial Intelligence

[VIDEO] 2018: A breakthrough year for public impact

Article highlights

2018 has been a year of tough challenges for govts everywhere. Discover how @CPI_Foundation has been working to help achieve public impact.

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.@CPI_Foundation is exploring how #enablement is increasingly challenging the traditional services delivery model.

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Learn how @CPI_Foundation can offer up new ways to overcome policy obstacles and achieve the positive impact communities deserve.

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Partnering for Learning

We put our vision for government into practice through learning partner projects that align with our values and help reimagine government so that it works for everyone.

Partner with us

2018 was a year of tough challenges for governments everywhere.

We've been taking our practical help and insights around the world to help you address some of these challenges and unlock the positive power of government.

We asked ourselves the big questions and came up with practical answers to help you achieve public impact.


Our research

Can government be more human? In 2018, we dug deep to understand what governments can do to build better relationships with communities. One of the toughest questions for government today relates to their legitimacy - how to think about it, how to solve it, how to understand it and how to strengthen it. To find answers to these questions, we launched our report and worldwide project #FindingLegitimacy. Our conversations this year have focussed on giving people, especially the often voiceless young, the space to speak and be heard.

There is a lot of hype around Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it can change the world. We launched our AI report, 'How to make AI work in government and for people' at The Tallinn Digital Summit to share our thinking on AI and provide a realistic approach and action plan for the public sector to fulfil AI's potential as a tool for government and communities.

The traditional service delivery model is increasingly being challenged by an enablement mindset. As part of our Future of Government project, we have been exploring this shift towards enablement and its implications for how the public sector can achieve the outcomes that matter to communities through public services.


Tools to help you achieve public impact

The Public Impact Fundamentals. Legitimacy, Policy and Action are at the heart of how we help achieve public Impact.

We've launched our solutions to help you to practically apply the Fundamentals to your policy challenges and discover new ways to overcome obstacles and achieve the positive impact communities deserve.


Our growth and influence globally

Our voice is growing and we took our practical help and insights into some great places. Highlights include:

We're proud to have offices based in Europe, Latin America, North America and we are now building our presence in Australia.... as well as working all over the world with you.

Though the challenges are harder than ever… We believe in you and the potential of governments to achieve better outcomes for people.

We are here to help you.

And together we can achieve public impact.



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