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Article Article December 19th, 2017
Legitimacy • Innovation • Artificial Intelligence

2017: changing times, changing public impact

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What were the top 10 most read articles of 2017 on the CPI website?

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Congrats to @juleschappellUK for the most downloaded interview of 2017 on the @cpi_foundation website

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Our interview with @LindiMazibuko was in our Top 10 most read interviews of 2017 – find out why here

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What will you remember about 2017? There's little doubt that much has changed over the course of the last 12 months.

This time last year, Emmanuel Macron was a humble political candidate with no established party apparatus behind him, President-Elect Trump was only thinking about reshaping America and its place in the world, and ISIS had yet to be defeated in Iraq and Syria. Some leaders will look back fondly on 2017 - China's President Xi Jinping ends the year in an even more powerful position - whereas others, such as Germany's Chancellor Merkel and the UK's Prime Minister May, have been diminished by electoral setbacks.

One thing has stayed the same, however, and that's the need for effective, high performing government - and that's where the Centre for Public Impact can help.

This year our work has focused on three themes:

We have developed a range of services and products to governments and as a result, the Fundamentals are now being used by policymakers around the world to understand the impact of past or future policies. Our Observatory, based on the Fundamentals, is now the largest repository of public impact case studies in the world with more than 300 cases.

With governments finding it harder to connect with people and build trusting relationships, our Finding Legitimacy project - which has included events around the world and a discussion paper - has catalysed an important global conversation on the role of legitimacy and how to strengthen it. Our AI project has seen us work alongside govtech leaders, as well as publish a working paper to help government officials navigate this unfamiliar terrain.

And in 2017 we have published more than 250 stories of public impact from around the world - but what were the most read? Presenting our top-ten most read articles this year:


Enter the public entrepreneur: implementing innovation in the public sector. Our briefing bulletin looks at

how and why public leaders are looking to inject entrepreneurial spirit and innovation into the traditional structures and processes of government.


The six things you need to know about how AI might reshape governments. Adrian Brown and Danny Buerkli examine how AI is poised to impact policymaking around the world


Design thinking in policymaking: opportunities and challenges. Joannah Luetjens explains how governments around the world can deploy design thinking to strengthen citizen outcomes and boost results.


Deliverology - the science of delivery. The Centre for Public Impact and Delivery Associates explain how government leaders are deploying 'deliverology' to improve citizen outcomes.


Doing well abroad: Britain's youngest ever ambassador on delivering diplomacy. Serving as the UK's youngest-ever ambassador is just one part of Julie Chappell's packed career. She tells about achieving impact - diplomatically.


Provincial powerhouse: Alberta's new government lab. CoLab's Keran Perla tells us how a new lab is driving innovation across the government of Alberta, Canada, benefiting citizens and policymakers alike


Destination unknown: Exploring the impact of Artificial Intelligence on Government Working Paper.  We address four capabilities of AI that can be deployed to improve both the outcomes governments seek to achieve and the way in which they make policy: predictive analysis, detection, computer vision and natural language processing.


How have governments changed with technological advances? Farva Kaukab examines how new technologies such as AI might change government.


Passing the torch to Africa's next generation. For someone still so young, Lindiwe Maziboku knows what it's like to climb the greasy pole in politics. Now, though, she is seeking to transform opportunities for young people seeking to follow in her footsteps. She tells Vincent Chin tapping into the well of young talent in Africa.


Life in the foxhole: the new rules of the communications game. Few know more about government communications than Obama White House veteran Eric Schultz. He tells the Gov Actually podcast about getting the message out.

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