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The Public Impact Starter Kit

We’ve developed a range of tools to help you use the Public Impact Fundamentals framework in your day-to-day work to improve the impact of policies

Tools to help you achieve Public Impact

What’s in the box

The Public Impact Diagnostic Tool

The diagnostic tool helps you improve the impact of a government initiative. Guiding you through an assessment of your policy against the nine elements of the Fundamentals framework, you’ll determine whether the key drivers of policy success are in place. 

The tool is useful to diagnose policies that have been implemented in the past, are currently being rolled out, or are under consideration by government.

The Fundamentals Map

The nine-sided Fundamentals Map helps you map your policy against the Fundamentals framework to illustrate areas of strength and areas for improvement. 

The Fundamentals Map can be also used to track performance over time, or compare and contrast multiple initiatives to understand why one performed better than another. Or build your own Public Impact Fundamentals Corkboard to visualise and measure your public impact.

The Checklist for Policymakers

The Checklist for Policymakers is a useful tool when you’re developing or reviewing a policy. By checking off each of the nine elements of the Fundamentals framework, you can help maximise the likelihood of your policy being a success. 

Put it above your desk to help you develop policies with public impact front of mind.

All of the tools in our Starter Kit are also available in digital form.

Download the tools

The Fundamentals in action

We've assessed over 300 policies using The Fundamentals, including The Wigan Deal and The Austin Homelessness Advisory Committee featured above. For more on The Fundamentals in action visit our extensive database of public impact case studies.

Tackling homelessness in Austin

Homelessness in Austin, TX is an increasingly visible problem, and Mayor Steve Adler has made it a priority, with the goal of eradicating homelessness. In 2017, a grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies enabled the city’s Innovation Office to create a special innovation team, or “iTeam” to try out new approaches to addressing homelessness, including the Austin Homelessness Advisory Committee (AHAC).

Learn more about this case study

The Wigan Deal

In 2010, the British government introduced austerity measures across the country. Wigan, a borough in the north-west, was the third most affected local authority in England. Wigan Council had to deal with substantial budget cuts and devise new ways to continue providing services and serving the community. As a result, Wigan Council created The Deal, an informal agreement between the public sector, communities, and businesses to create a better borough.

Learn more about this case study

For more on The Fundamentals in action visit our extensive database of public impact case studies.

Explore the fundamentals in action

Want the complete set of tools delivered to you?

Order your Starter Kit

We have a limited amount of physical Starter Kits we can deliver to help you use the Public Impact Fundamentals framework in your day-to-day work to improve the impact of policies.

Don't forget you can download digital versions of the tools too.

Order your starter kit

What changemakers are saying

It’s so easy to understand visually that people get it straight away and often leave with a new insight or idea to take away and work on – whether it concerns a new or existing piece of policy.

Dan Davies, Chief Officer at the Department of Home Affairs, Isle of Man

I’m using the Starter Kit myself to construct arguments to influence the policies that congressmen are trying to pass. [This] helps a Congressman to approve or prevent [a policy] from advancing.

Arthur Wittenberg, Public Policy Specialist, Brazil

Related resources

The Public Impact Fundamentals Report

Learn more about our framework that sets out how government can improve the results it achieves for communities. The Public Impact Fundamentals.

Learn more

The Public Impact Observatory

A unique database of public policy case studies. Using our Public Impact Fundamentals we have analysed hundreds of examples of public policy succeeding or failing, drawing out the key lessons for future policy work.

Explore more

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