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Global Development Initiative

We know that people working in global development and humanitarian aid want to make the world a better place.

But too often, well-intentioned organisations find themselves perpetuating power inequities and siloed ecosystems rooted in colonialism.

Development and humanitarian challenges are complex and deeply contextual. Local communities around the world face unique global development problems, but their lived experiences and local knowledge are not prioritised in addressing these challenges.

Ultimately, these practices keep power from local people and communities, limiting the impact of development efforts and hindering progress beyond the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We believe in decolonising global development and humanitarian aid by centring:

icon: three people

Local voices

Led by community and planetary need

Systemic lenses

Informed by complexity

Learning-oriented mindsets

Encouraging experimentation, adaptation, and innovation

Our vision is a sector with more inclusive power dynamics and connected ecosystems

So, we partner with development and humanitarian organisations worldwide, including majority world/Global South communities, changemakers, governments, and institutions to reimagine development practice.

We work to foster more equitable, collaborative, and learning-oriented systems to address the world’s complex development and humanitarian challenges.

To support the development of these systems and transform ideas into action, we co-design exploratory and innovative approaches to the following areas:

Our partners and collaborators

Together with our partners, we are building a future where international organisations, governments, institutions, private and public sector actors, and local communities work collaboratively to address today's complex challenges.

Let's reimagine global development together

Get in touch to learn more, and discuss how we could begin a learning partnership centred around local voices, systemic lenses, and learning-oriented mindsets.

Contact us