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Article Article September 14th, 2016

Roundtables: Questions, Answers – and Impact

Partnering for Learning

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Government is changing. While the prevalence of digital technology has served to (rightly) raise communities' expectations of what they can expect from the public sector, governments are increasingly recognising that data can help transform society for the better. From individual health records and school league tables, to weather maps and economic statistics, the range of government data is diverse, and its potential uses are enormous.

But there are many more developments that are also reshaping the machinery of government.  New techniques are such as behavioural insights are becoming more prevalent and new units known as "labs", made up of specialist teams dedicated to creating new and better solutions for communities, are springing up in governments worldwide.

Such issues form the backdrop to a wide range of roundtables that the Centre for Public Impact has staged around the world. These events have examined topical subjects including government delivery, settlement services for refugees and transformation programmes. Recently, we welcomed The Hon. Bill English, Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand, to an event in Sydney where he set out details about his country's social investment welfare reforms.

Such forums allow all attendees to participate in an insightful conversation about how public impact can be achieved - and we're looking forward to staging many more in the weeks and months ahead.

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