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Article Article September 6th, 2018
Innovation • Delivery

5 ways to improve the community experience

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We all want transactions with government to be easy, friendly and practical. Here are 5 ways to start.

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Government services are meant to serve communities and should be designed with that in mind.

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Moving transactions online means more than just creating websites. Read 5 ways to improve the community experience.

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In a blog about our report, “Wait no more: Citizens, red tape and digital government”, we wrote about carrying out government transactions in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Whether you're applying for child benefit or renewing your vehicle tax, for example, the process is often slow, bureaucratic and frustrating.

We all want transactions with government to be easy, friendly and practical, but how can governments in LAC achieve this? Here's our message to them:


  1. Analyse the community experience

    How can you improve transactions without first knowing what the problems are? Use administrative data, surveys, and direct observation and other sources to acquire objective, precise and timely information. Incorporate this information into iterative cycles of evaluation, adaptation and implementation. This means you can constantly refine and enhance your interaction with communities.

  2. Cut out unnecessary transactions

    Some transactions are essential, others are superfluous. Eliminate them through regulatory reform or by cutting red tape and duplication. Exchange data between government agencies, don't make communities do it for you. Be proactive - reach out to communities, not the other way round.

  3. Redesign from the community's point of view

    Government services are meant to serve communities and should be designed with that in mind - protection against fraud is not the only goal. Design systems so people can go to one place online to access government services. And don't make them enter information more than once - information submitted to one institution should be readily available to others.

  4. Improve access to digital transactions

    Moving transactions online means more than just creating websites. We believe there are five crucial steps:

a. Lay the foundations for online transactions - this includes interoperability platforms, digital signature and identity, and electronic notifications and payments

b. Make online access easy for users who have different levels of digital capacity

c. Expand digital literacy programmes

d. Ensure that transactions work from any device, including mobile telephones

e. Provide payment methods that do not require a bank account.

  1. Invest in better face-to-face interaction

    Although many countries have made big strides in digital government, LAC continues to be a mainly analogue region where around 90% of government transactions are carried out in person. Thus it's vital to improve face-to-face interactions, which many people still prefer. Invest in staff training and recruitment, and bring together services from different entities under one roof.

And that's how you can cut red tape: understand our needs as communities and respond to them - in person and online.



Written by:

Angela Reyes Consultant at the Interamerican Development Bank
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